Gracia - Part 2 - Paid Services

Gracia - Part 2 - Paid Services

Introducing the Chaotic Throne 2.2: Gracia - Part 2 NCSoft Korea releases a new kind of Paid Services called "Colorful Service".

Services by Color:

  • Yellow KRW 9.900 (7 days game time)
  • Green KRW 29.700 (100 hours game time, required to finish this within 30 days, you can choose 5 services out of 9 different paid services)
  • Blue KRW 29.700 (300 hours game time, required to finish this within 30 days, you can chooose 3 services out of 9 different paid services)
  • Orange KRW 29.700 (30 days game time, you can choose 1 service out of 3 different paid services)
  • Purple KRW 70.400 (90 days game time)

List of the 9 different Paid Services from NCSoft Korea:

Combat Cat Hat

Combat Cat Hat

Combat Cat HatCombat Cat Hat

Skeleton Hat

Skeleton Hat

Skeleton HatSkeleton Hat


Horse (for transportation purposes only)


Special Agathion

Special Agathion

Special Agathion

Special Summon

Special Summons (battle-, healer- and buffer type)

Special SummonsSpecial SummonsSpecial SummonsSpecial SummonsSpecial SummonsSpecial SummonsSpecial SummonsSpecial Summons

Personal Dungeon Entry Pass

Personal Dungeon Entry Passes

Personal Dungeon Entry PassesPersonal Dungeon Entry PassesPersonal Dungeon Entry Passes

Personal Teleporting Services

Personalized Teleporting Services

Personalized Teleporting Services

Personal colored Title Services

Personal colored Title Services

Personal colored Title Services

Blessed Wing

Blessed Wings (100% revival anywhere, self only)

Blessed Wing

Official Korean Gracia - Part 2 Preview Site.