Trance 0

Name Level Type MP Range Delay SP Description
SP Total: 3.975.000
Trance 156Active2760095.000Instantly puts enemies to sleep. The target(s) may not be put to sleep while the spell remains effect.
Trance 258Active28600100.000Instantly puts enemies to sleep. The target(s) may not be put to sleep while the spell remains effect.
Trance 360Active28600140.000Instantly puts enemies to sleep. The target(s) may not be put to sleep while the spell remains effect.
Trance 462Active29600220.000Instantly puts enemies to sleep. The target(s) may not be put to sleep while the spell remains effect.
Trance 564Active30600250.000Instantly puts enemies to sleep. The target(s) may not be put to sleep while the spell remains effect.
Trance 666Active32600330.000Instantly puts enemies to sleep. The target(s) may not be put to sleep while the spell remains effect.
Trance 768Active33600430.000Instantly puts enemies to sleep. The target(s) may not be put to sleep while the spell remains effect.
Trance 870Active65600520.000Instantly puts enemies to sleep. The target(s) may not be put to sleep while the spell remains effect.
Trance 972Active34600790.000Instantly puts enemies to sleep. The target(s) may not be put to sleep while the spell remains effect.
Trance 1074Active356001.100.000Instantly puts enemies to sleep. The target(s) may not be put to sleep while the spell remains effect.