Serenade of Eva

Name Level Type MP Range Delay SP Description
SP Total: 5.674.000
Serenade of Eva 1374Active20433m1.600.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.
Serenade of Eva 352Active14033m77.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.
Serenade of Eva 456Active15333m95.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.
Serenade of Eva 558Active15933m100.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.
Serenade of Eva 660Active16533m140.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.
Serenade of Eva 762Active7233m310.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.
Serenade of Eva 864Active17833m340.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.
Serenade of Eva 966Active8433m500.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.
Serenade of Eva 1068Active18933m590.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.
Serenade of Eva 1170Active19433m720.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.
Serenade of Eva 144Active1172m39.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.
Serenade of Eva 1272Active19933m1.100.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.
Serenade of Eva 248Active12933m63.000Makes the minds of one's nearby enemies peaceful so that they don't have any urge to attack.